THEOPHRASTUS,[1] one of the most famous among the Greek
writers, who flourished about the year 440 of the City of
Rome, has asserted that the olive[2] does not grow at a distance
of more than forty[3] miles from the sea. Fenestella tells us
that in the year of Rome 173, being the reign of Tarquinius
Priscus, it did not exist in Italy, Spain, or Africa;[4] whereas
at the present day it has crossed the Alps even, and has been
introduced into the two provinces of Gaul and the middle of
Spain. In the year of Rome 505, Appius Claudius, grandson
of Appius Claudius Cæcus, and L. Junius being consuls, twelve
pounds of oil sold for an as; and at a later period, in the year
680, M. Seius, son of Lucius, the curule ædile, regulated the
price of olive oil at Rome, at the rate of ten pounds for the as,
for the whole year. A person will be the less surprised at
this, when he learns that twenty-two years after, in the third
consulship of Cn. Pompeius, Italy was able to export olive oil
to the provinces.
Hesiod,[5] who looked upon an acquaintance with agriculture
as conducive in the very highest degree to the comforts of life,
has declared that there was no one who had ever gathered fruit
from the olive-tree that had been sown by his own hands, so
slow was it in reaching maturity in those times; whereas, now
at the present day, it is sown in nurseries even, and if transplanted will bear fruit the following year.
1. Hist. Plant. iv. c.
2. The Olea Europæa of Linnæus. See B. xxi. c. 31.
3. This has not been observed to be the fact. It has been known to
grow in ancient Mesopotamia, more than one hundred leagues from the sea.
4. It is supposed that it is indigenous to Asia, whence it was introduced
into Africa and the South of Europe. There is little doubt that long
before the period mentioned by Pliny, it was grown in Africa by the Car-
thaginians, and in the South of Gaul, at the colony of Massilia.
5. This work of Hesiod is no longer in existence; but the assertion is
exaggerated, even if he alludes to the growth of the tree from seed. Fee
remarks that a man who has sown the olive at twenty, may gather excellent fruit before he arrives at old age. It is more generally propagated
by slips or sets. If the trunk is destroyed by accident, the roots will throw
out fresh suckers.